Goal Alignment Session

and Workbook

Do you want to set yourself up for success when setting your goals? 

Is your motivation to reach your goals waning?

Often when we set our original goals, we don't take into consideration how they line up with our values and our Why. This is absolutely VITAL, because without a firm correlation between the two, we will most likely lose motivation or even if we do manage to meet the goal, we discover that what we were truly seeking is something else.

In this 60 minute session, I walk you through how to tap into what is really important to you and how aligning  our goal to this is SO vital to success. 

This session covers:

This is a great taste of what it could be like to work with a health coach!

Price: $50

Click the image below to book this session.

(After booking, I will send an invoice and workbook to the email address that you provide.)