Are you a woman who …

Then The Whole Hiker membership is for you! 

We cover holistic health topics to simplify health and build sustainable habits so you can live the adventurous life you desire, while connecting with other women who love nature and are working on improving their health. Together, we help each other succeed!

In 2024, join me as a founding member! You'll have access to:

I am passionate about being healthy enough to do the things you love because back when I found out I had Hashimotos (an autoimmune disease), my husband was off on an epic hiking/backpacking trip in Colorado and I was sitting on my couch alone, crying because I didn't even have the energy to climb up my stairs and go to bed. 

I was terrified. I was afraid that I had missed the chance to experience a lot of things I wanted to do, and that I'd never be able to backpack or go on grand adventures. I was also afraid I would hold my husband back on doing the things he wanted to do. I didn't want my life to be dictated by a disease, especially when I had so many things that I still wanted to do!

I refused to accept that all I could do was wait, let the disease progress, and learn to live "a new normal" that revolved around my autoimmune disease. So I dove down the rabbit hole of nutrition and alternative care and learned an entirely new way of approaching health that benefits everyone, whether you currently deal with chronic illness or not.

Now I am able to go on all the adventures I was afraid I would miss out on. I've regained my energy and my vitality, and everything about my life has changed for the better.

This is why I do what I do - I want to help as many people as possible to live their lives with passion, purpose, and adventure - doing all the things they love!

I've helped Dixie of Homemade Wanderlust navigate some of the health and wellness changes she has made over the past few years. I'm mentioned in the beginning of this video!

The cost of membership is only $29 per month - that's less than $1 a day! 

Since all change takes time, there is a minimum 

three month commitment.

For savings, commit to 6 months at $25 per month!

*Monthly payment options available - if you choose a monthly option I will reach out to you to set up invoicing*

The time investment is only approximately 5 - 6 hours per month! I know your time is valuable and life is busy, so the membership is designed to give you as much benefit as possible without taking too much of your time. 

*This does NOT include the time you spend on your own implementing changes and new habits - it's only an estimation of the time actively spent if you take part in all the group activities*

The Whole Hiker is 

on summer break! 

If you'd like to be notified when we start back up, send an email with the subject line "Whole Hiker Waitlist" to See you in September! 


Do you have to be local to take part in the group?

Short answer: No, but it helps! While the group hikes will be local to within an hour-ish of Lancaster, Ohio, the other content is available online so can be accessed no matter where you are. For those who aren’t local or just can't make it to a hike, we will have a thread each month where you can post about where you hiked - kind of a virtual way to share your nature experiences with the group.

For the support sessions, if we do an in person support session I will also do an online one for those who can’t make it in person. 

Do I have to be on Facebook to take part in the group?

This depends on if you are local or not. Our weekly check ins or shares, as well as the video Q&A for the monthly topic will happen in the Facebook group, but we will have the monthly in person group hikes and the monthly group sessions that are held in person or via Google Meet. However, I've found that the membership works best if you are able to participate in the Facebook group, especially if you are not local. Otherwise you miss a lot of the value of the membership. If you don't use Facebook and are interested in the membership, please email me and we can see if we can find a good way to make it work for you.

Where will the hikes be located?

This will depend on where our most local members are located, but all the physical in person hikes will be within about an hour of Lancaster, Ohio. There is a TON of great hiking options within this range, including the Hocking Hills area. 

What does it mean to be a founding member? 

This means that YOU get to be a part of how the membership evolves! I’ll ask for your feedback and if you have any suggestions, I would be happy to hear them. I want to build the membership to give you the most benefit and be a great value to your life, and YOU are the ones who know best what that looks like.

Also as a founding member, your monthly price will locked in as long as you remain a member, even if the membership price goes up in the future! 

What kind of topics will the lessons cover?

Since I have a holistic approach to health, there will be a broad possibility of topics including nutrition, movement, sleep, building sustainable habits, vision and goal setting, stress management, boundary setting, etc. 

As a group member, you can always ask questions on any topic in the Facebook group and I can help you there, and if there are requests for certain topics I will cover them! 

How do I enter to win the One on One coaching session each month?

Entries will be based on your participation in the FB group. Specific rules and guidelines will be posted, but the more you participate, the better your chance of winning! 

For more information, please email me at